Positive Thing/Quote:

Quote: Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
~ Dr. Seuss.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It's useful.
It's amazing.
You might say now
I can live without it
But you only say it
Because you know
It wont happen.
So enjoy it
Don't be a fool
It's both helpful and dangerous
So choose one.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Helping Hand

Everyone needs one.
Even independent people.

I would be so depressed
In life
If I didn't have
a helping hand

I'm hitting towards
In their time
Of need

We are with you!!!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Needs a helping hand.
Too many problems.
So many stories.
From an 9.2 earthquake.
To a tsunami.
Radiation problems.
This country has helped us.
Technology that we use today.
Toys we play with.
If what happened there.
Happened here.
Wouldn't you want support?
It's like a test.
What's your answer?
Press here to see Japan.
Before and after.
It's so sad.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Who knows what it holds for us?
Full of mystery.
The world will collapse.
1000 people might be born.
The sun will explode.

But what about yesterday?
It was the new tomorrow.
Until it became the present today.
Then an old yesterday.

No past can be changed.
But you can change the future.
Let's think of today.
Who did your day go?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Family together.
The aunt.
The uncle.
The cousin.
The niece.
The nephew.
The grandma.
The grandpa.

All loving
All caring.

That is all family.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom


Monday, March 14, 2011


Almost every song rhymes
To make it more popular

I like rhyming words
Especially when they are silly

Like yesterday
When me and a friend
Were making silly

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The day you complete
A new year
All about you
You, you, you.

Everybody has a birthday
If they did not
Then how did they get here
In a time free zone

It feels good
To remember
A day where
You where born

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Waiting For The End

Tick tock on the clock
But nothing is stopping
I here wish for that day
Until the day after it
When I forget all about it
No more worries
The day has finally come

Friday, March 11, 2011

March Break

Since December's break we have been working harder than usual
But now I am genuinely happy to announce that it's finally
MARCH BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to make that emblazoned to the world.
Anyway I am soooooooo happy that we finally get a break.
I'm going to make the most out of it!
YAY MARCH BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Time

First time playing
First time singing
First time dancing
First time talking
First time walking
First time breathing

Almost everything has a first time, like me skiing today for the first time! It was awesome!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

One False Move

One false move can change the world.
One false move can kill us all.
One false move can blow us up.
One false move can make you depressed forever
One false move can make you lose everything
One false move can do anything.

But if we are so determined by everything,
Where would the fun in the world be?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funny Joke

Once a teacher was writing on the white board for her students. Then she turned around and sarcastically said if you are dumb stand up. After a moment of silence a boy stood up. The teacher asked him why do you think you are dumb. The boy said I don't but I just didn't want you to stand alone.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I love bunnies.
I do not like people who test on them! That makes me mad!
If someone has something against bunnies.
Then they are just plain dumb.
Hi Kiki!
Random, but oh well.
Anyway back to my topic.
Bunnies are so adorable.
They hop in a cute way.
I have written a whole story (for children) about bunnies.
Yay bunnies!!!!!